
“gloryifying God in our marriages.” eph 5:22,25

Is it possible for us to magnify the Lord through our marriages? A B S O L U T E L Y!

That is God’s very desire for us as husbands and wives! And that is exactly what we are going to be learning to do as we come together for this very special ministry. We will be exploring what our awesome God has to say through His Word regarding this beautiful, complicated, wonderful, extremely difficult relationship called marriage!

Please commit to joining us as we come together as couples to encourage, and exhort each other, laugh and cry with each other, to support and cheer each other on in the most challenging aspects of our marriages!


Come, let us magnify the Lord as we walk through this life… together! We meet every LAST FRIDAY of every month unless announced differently due to other events.

To Him be all glory,
Mark Avila